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Last updated on 5 September 2020


I’m Aimée. as said in my bio, I am a cat lover, in the LGBTQ+ community (wheres my LGBTQ+ family at?), photographer and author of Home!

I wanted to share a small bit of my journey while I am here typing away a new book.

So, as you know, I am Aimée. I have syringomyelia, hypermobility joint pain syndrome, mastitus, asthma (though, it is only seasonal/triggered by major dust) and a few more. I am a medical miracle. which, is super weird to be called. Like, its just odd to me because, I feel normal, well I say normal. What is normal anyways? It’s a setting on a washing machine.

On June the 30th, 2020, I lost my best friend. Wolfie. Best cat bearder, king of bleps (if you wish to compete with Wolfie, contact me with a picture of your blepper), and overall stink bomb when he had cheese or croissants. SBD’s (Silent but deadlies) galore with that stink bomb!

He was my stimky boy (stinky, in the cat world its stimky 😉 ). He was 14 though, so he had a good run. A FURRY good run (see what I did there?), and, was king of the house.

But life can be a misery at times. Losses happen. Sadly, thats how it is.

With my new books, I am working on about 50 it feels like. My brain just gets an idea, and I HAVE to write it down before I forget it, or its like “Ah. Whats that supposed to be for?” which, to be honest, with the texts and messages i send anyways, I think that every day. Anyways. Back to the topic at hand. BOOKS, I have brought a book out, small designated book page for it on the menu bar 😉 but the others I’m writing, well… lets just say this- it can take me a while. I have suffered from writers block to just pure “I cant be bothered” days, to days I legit cant do anything due to pain. Somehow though, ideas always pop into my head. The latest being a ballet themed one. But that is all I will tell you about that one 😉

What else can I tell you about me? Oh, I am a model? Does that count as something interesting? Here is a pic from a modelling thing I did.

Photo by Ade Davies. 100% would recommend!

Anyways. I best go. need to do a few things. I shall leave you here with my late catto, Wolfie, wearing a bow tie.

If anyone ever needs a chat or a moan (or even buy a limited edition book, £10 each! I have 6 copies left!) just contact me. Even if you just want a chat (LGBTQ+, mental health, etc) or just a email friend, just message me! I shall get to you as soon as I can.

Much love,


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